It is very important that you make sure to update your contact information, in order that we'll be able to contact you. You can update your contact information on Mit3F.
Please be sure to check that the mobile number and mail address you have stated are correct.
Letters that will be sent as digital mail
Letters concerning non-payment of membership fee, reminders and cancellations as well as letters about changes in the digital mail scheme will be sent to ”Min post” under Mit3F. We will gradually expand the extent of digital mail in order that other letters from both trade union and unemployment benefit fund may be sent to your digital mailbox.
You can also send digital mail to us
On Mit3F, under the respective menu option, you can send messages and attach files. Such mail will be directed as secure mail to your local branch.
It will be your responsibility to check your mailbox
When there is mail for you, we will send you an e-mail message as well as an SMS message to your mobile number.
Digital mail has the same legal effect as a physical letter. This is why it is important that you check your digital mailbox. If you do not respond, this may have consequences for your membership and your entitlement to unemployment and early retirement benefits.
We are always prepared to help you, should the system be acting up
If you cannot open your digital mail or gain access to the mailbox, you can get help by calling 70 300 300 or by sending a mail to [email protected].
If you experience problems as regards your NemID, you have to contact NemID support on telephone 72 24 70 50.
In case you have issues with MitID, please contact MitID support on tel. 33 98 00 10 or by e-mail.
In case of technical breakdown, we will inform about this on the Mit3F logon page.
Who can be granted exemption from Digital Mail?
If you are not in a position to receive your mail digitally, you can be exempt from this scheme. To obtain such exemption, you must comply with at least one of the following criteria – you:
do not have access to a computer with satisfactory internet connection – in your home or at your place of residence
- have an impairment of function that prevents you from receiving digital mail
- are registered as having left Denmark
- have become homeless
- have linguistic difficulties
- have practical difficulties as to the obtainment of NemID/MitID.
How you obtain an exemption from Digital Mail
To obtain an exemption from 3F and 3FA Digital Mail, you must contact your local 3F branch– in person or via physical mail – stating that you are comprised by at least one of the above criteria.
Find your local branch here